we are joey,
lana, & atlas
We love spaces + Places : This is our STORY
Back in the day, way back in the day, there is a tiny chance you may have known us from our home improvement blog, “Making A House A Home”. We enthusiastically DIYed our way through 6,000 sq/ft of Tudor in New York for 5 years. It’s there that we fell in love with well designed spaces. That home was the reason we put travel on hold. Closing on the house of our dreams was the reason we cancelled our 8 week Honeymoon road trip through France and Italy. Oh, if we could go back in time we would have made a different decision.
Today we own The Rich Hippies House, our 100 year old Spanish style compound in South Florida. The house was a bit rough when we bought her over five years ago, but with love and grit we cleaned her up and turned her into a special space we share with others when we aren’t home.
If google lead you hear while looking for information on the house, you can reach out to our house manager at
manager [at] therichhippieshouse.com
Lana is a children’s writer and wellness author. Her work can be found here.
Lana is also a certified vegan nutritionist and her services are listed here.